Ashwini Angadi Trust

Project jnanajyothi

Empowering Students with Intellectual Challenges

Jnanajyoithi is a transformative initiative dedicated to catering to the needs of students with intellectual challenges. Our mission is to provide these students with a free residential facility, offering them tailored educational programs, individualized care plans, and a supportive environment for their holistic development.




Our newly started initiative has seen a successful kickstart with 70 students receiving all the required facilities. From day one, we have been committed to providing the best possible support to our students, ensuring they have access to the resources and care they need to thrive.

Our Programs

Learning with Guidance

Mentally challenged students actively engage in learning activities under the guidance of dedicated teachers who provide them with the necessary support and encouragement.

Speech Therapy and Exercises

Each student receives specialized speech therapy and exercises tailored to their individual needs, helping them improve communication skills and cognitive abilities.

Community Integration

Our students actively participate in community activities and events, promoting social inclusion and fostering meaningful connections with others.

Play and Exploration

Our students enjoy playful and exploratory experiences with a range of toys and activities, fostering creativity, imagination, and social interaction.

Hygiene and Well-being

We prioritize the hygiene and well-being of our students, providing them with comprehensive care that includes bathing, grooming, and personal hygiene routines.

Support us

Support Nutritious Meals for Mentally Challenged Students - ₹3000:

Your contribution of ₹3000 will provide nutritious meals for all students at the academy for one day. Help us ensure that every student receives the sustenance they need to focus on their education and well-being.



Sponsor Speech Therapy Sessions - ₹5000:

By donating ₹10,000, you can sponsor the education of one student at our academy. Your generosity will cover tuition fees, books, and other essential educational materials, giving a child the opportunity to access quality education and build a brighter future.


Provide Essential Training and Hygiene Supplies - ₹2000:

Your donation of ₹5000 will support vocational training programs for students with disabilities, empowering them with valuable skills and opportunities for employment. Help us create a more inclusive society by providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce.