Ashwini Angadi Trust

Illuminating Futures


Belaku Academy is a project under the Ashwini Angadi Trust aimed at providing an inclusive residential environment for visually impaired students along with a few abled students from economically weaker sections of society.


Our mission is to offer access to high-quality education, vocational training, and a comprehensive range of support services to visually impaired students. We are committed to fostering independence, self-esteem, and future employability among our students.

Our Mission

We welcome visually impaired and economically weaker section students into a supportive learning environment.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure academic excellence and personal growth.

We offer vocational training programs to equip students with practical skills for their future endeavors.

Our dedicated team of specialized educators ensures individualized support and attention.

“The blind are not alone if they have friends and family.”

Support us

Donate for 1 Day Meal for All Academy Students - ₹3,000

Your contribution of ₹3000 will provide nutritious meals for all students at the academy for one day. Help us ensure that every student receives the sustenance they need to focus on their education and well-being.



Donate for Education of One Student - ₹10,000

By donating ₹10,000, you can sponsor the education of one student at our academy. Your generosity will cover tuition fees, books, and other essential educational materials, giving a child the opportunity to access quality education and build a brighter future.


Support Vocational Training for Empowerment- ₹5,000

Your donation of ₹5000 will support vocational training programs for students with disabilities, empowering them with valuable skills and opportunities for employment. Help us create a more inclusive society by providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce.